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Bloc File Structure

NOTE: This guide is a work in progress.


Let's say we want to enforce all developers on our Flutter app to use a feature-first project structure.

A typical feature-first folder structure for a Flutter app may look something like the following:

├── core
├── features
│ ├── cart
│ │ ├── data
│ │ │ ├── models
│ │ │ ├── repositories
│ │ │ ├── services
│ │ ├── domain
│ │ │ ├── entities
│ │ │ ├── repositories
│ │ ├── presentation
│ │ │ ├── controllers
│ │ │ ├── states
│ │ │ ├── widgets

The above structure is roughly based on this great architecture series by Andrea Bizzotto.

In order to enforce the use of such a structure programmatically, we could implement any of the following cases:

  • only permit the declaration of widgets in the appropriate widgets folders
  • prevent json serialization/deserialization from anywhere besides data layer
  • enforce the use of dependency injection between layers
  • only permit the declaration of business logic in controllers folder (such as BlocBase or Notifier classes)

In this tutorial, we will focus on the latter case, specifically by disallowing the creation of BLoC classes in any folder besides the presentation > controller layer.

Learning Objectives

  • Using visitCompilationUnit and unit to check if a file is in the correct folder
  • Performance Considerations when writing LintRules
  • Using TypeChecker to check if a class declaration extends a particular type

Define Requirements

Determining the logic of a Lint rule can be tricky. For this feature-first BLoC rule, we want to prevent a developer from creating a bloc class outside of presentation > controller, but this can possibly be done in different ways. Additionally, we want to be mindful that the performance of all of our lints could be negatively affected if just one lint rule is written in an inefficient way, so we need to write our lint in an efficient way.

Therefore, the logic of our rule will be:

  1. Restrict our rule from executing on anything besides files contained in **/presentation/controller/** folders
  2. Check if any particular class declaration extends BlocBase
  3. OPTIONAL: Check if the particular file imports package:bloc before checking all class declarations for a BlocBase extension

With requirements defined, we can move onto the build phase.

Declaring our Rule

Lets start by creating a rule package bloc_feature_structure and adding sidecar and analyzer to pubspec.yaml.

dart create bloc_feature_structure
name: bloc_feature_structure
version: 1.0.0

sdk: ">=2.17.0 <3.0.0"

analyzer: ^4.7.0
sidecar: ^0.1.0-dev.18

sidecar_lints: ^0.1.0-dev.1

Our first course of action is to create our LintRule class and its respective LintCode.


import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:sidecar/sidecar.dart';

class BlocOutsideControllerLayer extends LintRule {

static const id = 'bloc_outside_controller_layer';
static const package = 'bloc_feature_structure';
static const message = 'Logic should be created in application folders.';

LintCode get code => const LintCode(id, package: package);


Just as we did in the previous tutorial, we ensure that the class name is the PascalCase representation of the that we assign, and we also ensure that the is the snake_case representation of the class name. We also make sure that the package name is the same as the package name in pubspec.yaml.

NOTE: These requirements can be referenced in the rule creation checklist

Implementing our Rule Logic

Using visitCompilationUnit to check a file path

From here we can build out the first of our requirements: to only analyze files outside of the application folder.

If you remember back to our feature-first project structure, we only want our rule to analyze files that are outside of the presentation/controllers folder, since we should not be creating BLoC classes in any other folder.

In Sidecar, rule execution is scoped to a single file, and we can use the unit context variable to see exactly what file is being analyzed. We can use the package glob to check if the file path matches the particular presentation/controllers folder we're filtering for.

class BlocOutsideControllerLayer extends LintRule {

void visitCompilationUnit(CompilationUnit node) {
final controllersFolderGlob = Glob('**/features/**/controllers/**');
isControllerFile = controllersFolderGlob.matches(unit.path);

late final bool isControllerFile;


In this example, we create a isControllerFile variable that will store the result of our glob check. We can then use this variable in our visitClassDeclaration method before proceeding with the rest of our logic.

Type-checking a class declaration

Finally, we create our logic that checks if the class declaration extends BlocBase and if so, we report the lint. Unfortunately, we cannot simply import BlocBase from package:bloc and use it to type check our class declaration, as the analyzer does not provide us with a Type object to compare against.

Instead, we must use the TypeChecker utility shipped in Sidecar, which gives us a simple way to check if an analyzed type matches a particular type that we're looking for.

NOTE: If you're interested in learning more about the TypeChecker utility, you can read more about it here

class BlocOutsideControllerLayer extends LintRule {

late final bool isControllerFile;

void visitClassDeclaration(ClassDeclaration node) {
// dont perform type analysis on files inside of controller folders
if (isControllerFile) return;

// type check against the type of the declared class
final classType = node.declaredElement2?.thisType;
final blocBase = TypeChecker.fromPackage('BlocBase', package: 'bloc');
if (!blocBase.isAssignableFromType(classType)) return;

reportAstNode(, message: message);


Performance Considerations

The reason we don't handle the file-check logic directly in visitClassDeclaration is because we always want to avoid unnecessary computation in the case that a particular file has multiple class declarations. If we were to instead check the file path in visitClassDeclaration, we would be redundantly checking the file path every time, and this could be a performance bottleneck.

When writing a lint rule, we want to make sure that we are only performing the necessary computation to ensure that our lint is as performant as possible. This is necessary when developers expect lints to appear after every file change within fractions of a second in the code editor.
